First Aid Bag
Look upon a first-aid kit as an emergency war chest. It needs to contain everything needed to stabilise an injured horse until a veterinarian arrives, or you can get the animal home for further attention.
At the other end of the scale, it also needs to have all the goodies you need to deal promptly with any minor scratches and abrasions, so you and your horse can move on. Nobody, after all, wants a small cut turning into a vet visit and a prescription for antibiotics.
Everything in the kit needs to earn its place. It needs to be portable enough that you can pick it up and put it in your float or vehicle every time you leave home with a horse.
You need to manage the kit to ensure that everything that should be in it stays in it. Imagine reaching for your kit away from home, only to discover the scissors are missing because you “borrowed” them for a job. You need to be sure that the contents don’t creep out of date .